Trimps Wikia


Reach zone 70
Reward Perk: Anticipation
Goal Complete Trimple of Doom
Trapping is the only way to gain Trimps (Trimps don't breed, Tauntimps add housing but not Trimps, Simulacrum upgrade of Dimensional Generator doesn't function, AutoStructure does not add Trimps to housing)
no benefit from Anticipation
No Amalgamators
No benefit from Geneticists

"Travel to a dimension where Trimps refuse to breed in captivity, teaching yourself new ways to take advantage of situations where breed rate is low. Clearing 'Trimple Of Doom' (33) with this challenge active will return your breeding rate to normal."


Trimps don't breed.


Put at least 15+ points in Bait. If you really want to optimize your helium, then take helium out of pheromones, since it won't do anything in this challenge. However, by the time you can run this challenge and that anticipation is useful, you likely have enough helium not to bother.

Make sure traps are building at all spare times. Get Trapstorm by running a map on zone 10 or higher then turn auto-traps. Swap your player between building traps and baiting trimps frequently. An excessive amount of housing/coordinations bought may actually slow your run down, due to the repopulation times.

Although by the time you reach this challenge you may have stopped running "The Block", it's a worthwhile pickup to speed up your run.

This challenge really starts to slow down around z28. Having a lot of block and hp can help your baiting to keep up with your fighting groups.


When doing the C² Trapper challenge, there are three different strategies, depending on which stage of the game you're in.

In the early stages, you can play very much like the original challenge. Invest in Bait. Limit your Coordination purchases to keep your army size reasonable, and do Trapping as needed to spawn new armies.

In the middle stages, it is recommended to begin the run in a Carpentry heavy perk spec (to maximize initial population), and then immediately Respec into a Coordination heavy spec, before pressing Fight. If you use Perky, you can use the "Trapper² (initial)" and "Trapper² (respec)" presets to do this.

In the late stages, your initial population is so high compared to your army size that there's no need to do the Respec dance -- you can just play normally, sending out armies from your initial population.

Your trimps' health will be quite low in Trapper² because they don't get a health boost from Geneticists (because they don't breed at all). Your perk selection should emphasize health much more so than you would typically do in late U1 challenges. The Perky "Trapper² (respec)" preset uses a 7:1 ratio of attack to health. This may be fine for a while, but when you're pushing Trapper² past zone 700, you might need a higher health weight.


For the duration of this challenge, the breeding text is "x bored".
