Trimps Wikia

"You found a map to the Bionic Wonderland. Sounds fun!"

Bionic Wonderland is a unique map found in maps of level 125 and higher. Completing it awards the player with a pet Robotrimp.

The player needs a minimum of over 2.54Dd combined health and block to complete it. That number is the minimum attack of the worst possible scenario on this map - a Snimp encountered on cell 99.

The player should aim for combined health and block of somewhere between that and the maximum attack of that imp (3.81Dd).

The cell 100 boss - Robotrimp, doesn't attack first, therefore its attack doesn't matter, as killing it is only a matter of time.


Bionic Wonderland is a tiered map. Completing Bionic Wonderland destroys it, and creates a next tier Bionic Wonderland of a higher level.

The difficulty, loot, size and resource modifiers do not change with higher tiers of Bionic Wonderland. The only thing that changes is the level. The next tier of Bionic Wonderland will always be 15 levels higher than the previous one. Starting at 125, it will go: 125, 140, 155, etc.

Using the Portal will require the player to unlock the higher tiers of Bionic Wonderland again. Doing so is only useful if you plan to complete a tier of Bionic Wonderland you haven't completed before, as only tiers which have never been completed in the save file will upgrade the pet Robotrimp. Check the pet Robotrimp levels section for a full breakdown of upgrades obtained from each unique completion of a specific tier of Bionic Wonderland.

There is no tier limit. Bionic Wonderland is infinite.

Below is a table of minimum and maximum HP+BLK required to complete selected tiers of Bionic Wonderland.

Map Level Min Max Min Max
Bionic Wonderland II 140 157.93Td 236.90Td 1.58E+44 2.37E+44
Bionic Wonderland III 155 9.78Qid 14.66Qid 9.78E+48 1.47E+49
Bionic Wonderland IV 170 602.26Sxd 903.39Sxd 6.02E+53 9.03E+53
Bionic Wonderland V 185 36.96Od 55.44Od 3.70E+58 5.54E+58
Bionic Wonderland VI 200 2.26V 3.39V 2.26E+63 3.39E+63